October 12, 2018

Ubisoft Canada is the very well known brand behind some of the latest and most graphically intense video games on the Xbox, Playstation and PC platforms. Ubisoft’s office renovations were vast, requiring truly unique working and creative thinking space, as well as sophisticated video and audio recording sound-stages including state of the art Motion Capture...

April 24, 2017

Wattpad is an impressive little tech start-up that went big in a hurry. Focussed on the procurement and distribution of free online scholarly publications, Wattpad needed to expand its impressive growing business, and this beautiful century old exposed brick and beam building was perfect. ??Although abandoned for a while and in a state of almost...


Projects don’t need to be complicated. EBS Construction Management Inc. is committed to excellence in serving all customers in the commercial tenant improvement sector, striving to provide its services in a way that respects client needs and adds value.