Many projects have a specific time in which they should be completed. Unfortunately, many projects are not given the adequate time in which to complete them. Therefore, measures need to be taken to complete the project on time. These creative measures come in the form of substitution of materials, design changes, extra resources required, overtime, multiple shifts, or nights and weekends where work must be performed to meet the schedule.
The impact of any of these measures is that labor costs will be driven up. Give yourself as much time as possible. It is better to be ready to move in 5 days early than 5 minutes late.
As a general guideline a 10,000 square foot space you should allow 8-10 months from the time your lease is signed. This will give you the time to define your scope internally (know what you want), engage a construction professional and consultants, create construction documents, permits, tendering, construction and transition to your new space. For every additional 5,000 square feet you may add an additional 3-4 weeks to a project as a general guideline. Every project is different and has its own nuances, therefore, these estimates are not hard and fast rules by any measure. Depending on your specific requirements, size and location of your project timelines can be increased or decreased.